Con la madurez hemos topado. A todos nos ha pasado. Miramos hacia atrás a nuestra infancia/adolescencia con cierta nostalgia, y solemos descubrir que las movidas que teníamos entonces eran minucias comparado con las responsabilidades y problemas de la vida adulta. Puede que sintamos la necesidad de poner en marcha el condensador de fluzo y volver a aquélla época, pero en realidad estamos atrapados en una espiral de hipotecas, críos, parejas, facturas que pagar, desempleo y aceptar calcetines como regalo de Navidad. Y lo peor: el cambio de prioridades y actividades, muchas veces presionado por el entorno social.
Con el power pop en una mano y el hard rock en la otra, los canadienses The Pursuit Of Happiness plasmaron todo esto en «I’m An Adult Now«, canción incluida en su primer disco de 1988 titulado Love Junk. A destacar el tono irónico con el que el cantante, más que cantar, recita la canción, y el irresistible estribillo de la misma.

Well, I don’t hate my parents
I don’t get drunk just to spite them
I’ve got my own reasons to drink now
I think I’ll call my dad up and invite him
I can sleep in till noon anytime I want
Though there’s not many days that I do
Gotta get up and take on that world
When your an adult it’s no cliche it’s the truth
‘Cause I’m an adult now
I’m an adult now
I’ve got the problems of an adult
On my head and on my shoulders
I’m an adult now
I can’t even look at young girls anymore
People will think I’m some kind of pervert
Adult sex is either boring or dirty
Young people they can get away with murder
I don’t write songs about girls anymore
I have to write songs about women
No more boy meets girl boy loses girl
More like man tries to understand what the hell went wrong
‘Cause I’m an adult now
I’m an adult now
I’ve got the problems of an adult
On my head and on my shoulders
I’m an adult now
I can’t take any more illicit drugs
I can’t afford any artificial joy
I’d sure look like a fool dead in a ditch somewhere
With a mind full of chemicals
Like some cheese-eating high school boy
‘Cause I’m an adult now
I’m an adult now
I’ve got the problems of an adult
On my head and on my shoulders
I’m an adult now
Sometimes my head hurts and sometimes my stomach hurts
And I guess it won’t be long
For I’m sitting in a room with a bunch
Of people whose necks and backs are aching
Whose sight and hearing’s fading
Who just can’t seem to get it up
Speaking of hearing, I can’t take too much loud music
I mean I like to play it, but I sure don’t like the racket
Noise, but I can’t hear anything
Just guitars screaming, screaming, screaming
Some guy screaming in a leather jacket
I’m an adult now
I’ve got the problems of an adult
On my head and on my shoulders
I’m an adult now
I’ve got the problems of an adult
On my head and on my shoulders
I’m an adult now